How to Develop the Skill of Discipline

Well before we begin we have to define what discipline is. The dictionary on internet defines it as “the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.”

Well I for one, don’t agree with that whole punishment aspect because we could totally have a positive perspective of discipline. It does not have to be punishment to maintain your life. Having discipline to me is doing your routine no matter what happens. In the most simplest form, brushing your teeth or taking a shower, you develop the discipline to do that regardless of how you feel right? You don’t skip a day whether if you’re having a bad day or a good day. Even if you get lazy, the minute you step out the door without brushing your teeth you just feel icky and then you’ll make your way back to your bathroom to brush those pearly white. Yeah?

So any role you play in your life, there are a set of routines to maintain the success of that relationship, of your business, of your health, of your finances, etc. Do you follow? Yeah? Ok, I kinda went overboard in explaining but I am certain you got the picture now.

We all know what to do to be successful at those things, but why it’s hard to follow through is that lack of discipline!

So here’s how you develop it:

Find your why.

Ask yourself these questions: Why is each task in your routines important to you? What will it compound into? What will it nourish? What will it maintain?

Find what triggers/blocks you from doing it.

By the way, saying that you’re just lazy isn’t enough, that’s most likely just a surface level thing, ask yourself why am I lazy about this? You’re most likely avoiding something. Find that out and deal with it in a healthy way, i.e. journaling, yoga session, working out

Build a structure that works for you winning.

Create a habit that actually sticks:

Some people do well with reward systems. I do well with Streaks. I literally would have a printed calendar and X out a date and if any day goes missing I lose my streak. Find something that works for you. I suggest making a blank monthly calendar for working out or sticking to your diet. For every day you show up at 100%, put a big ol’ X in the box. Man it’s simple but one of the most satisfying gestures you can do for yourself.

By having your why, being aware of your triggers, and creating a game, all of those aspects should fuel you up with discipline and holding your word as reliable and true as you can get. You will be able to disregard your emotions or feelings that you have because you’re crystal clear on your motive and because you said so, you will build the confidence to know yourself as someone reliable to yourself. It’s game over after that.

Hope you enjoyed this article on discipline! If you did, make sure you sign up for my newsletter,(there’s a form somewhere here just keep scrolling) I’m always creating new goods everyday with different modalities every week and you don’t want to miss out. You’ll find workouts or exercise breakdowns for the week, new podcasts that I’ve posted, top 3 articles that I find valuable and worth sharing with you, and many more goods. You know what they say, sharing is caring! And if you know me, you know that I’m all for you winning!

Catch ya next time,

