Hacks For Developing More Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the most searched for virtue these days with the crowded information era we’re living in. Everyone’s trying to find the answers outside of themselves when really, only they know the way to truly know if something is right for them or not. They just have to look inside themselves. I think that self-awareness is a consistent practice of showing up and honoring your truth by being brutally honest with yourself. That means calling yourself (your ego) out in every moment that you can. Self-awareness harnesses your authenticity and your progress in growing into this greater version of yourself. That is so incredibly sacred and with it brings so much freedom. So with that being said, who wants in on tips to getting closer to YOU?!

Here are Some Hacks to Developing More Self-Awareness

Ground your feet in the morning

First thing I do when I wake up is hop out of bed and take a moment to ground myself, physically and mentally with a mini prayer. It’s a practice of gratitude and it starts like this.

Thank you Mother Earth (or insert whomever you believe in) for your support and keeping me grounded like roots of the tree so that I could grow a  bit taller today by having me easily focus on doing the work that I need to do. And for all four corners of my feet,  thank you for taking me to meet the people that are waiting to meet me and the people whom I love so I could shine my light onto them effortlessly.

Observe Your Thoughts

This is meditation (or single point focus for all y’all who are scared of “meditation” 😂). All it is is taking 2-5 minutes of noticing your thoughts, WITHOUT JUDGMENT multiple times a day. So maybe a thought passed by and you automatically thought, “Oou that’s not good.” Or even, “Oh! This is fantastic I’ll do this more!” Just notice and observe what thoughts pass by like clouds in the sky. No judgement and don’t follow it  allowing your thoughts and emotions drive you. Just let it go! On to the next thought and observe!

Be Present

This is you getting in touch with your 5-6 senses in any moment. Experiencing yourself and your space, the space you’re in as you are right in that moment. Let go of the to-do list. Surrender to this moment now and now… and now. This is why I love exercising and getting into your body and out of your head. Move and notice. Set three alarms at random times of the day, so whenever that alarm goes off. You drop everything you’re doing and be present. If you’re with someone, invite them to look into your eyes for a moment and be present with them.

Journal often

This helps the emotional and mental process and flow THROUGH. I always say if you leave it on the paper it won’t follow you throughout the rest of the day. Just let those thoughts and feelings stay on the page. In case you need it again, it’s right there in your journal to get back to it but you won’t need it. Until then, let it go…on the page. Create yourself some clear mental space so you can deal with life powerfully without all this extra baggage.

Bonus hacks

Don’t listen to anyone. Try to organize your thoughts by going a level deeper to see if that thought is actually really yours, or if its inherited by your family and friends, your environment, teachers or celebrities people you follow. You know that saying, “you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with”? That’s tried and true. Which comes to our next point.

Be real with yourself. Call yourself out. Own it all. Take the responsibility. Nothing is more freeing than giving up hiding some part of you. It’s way better if you call yourself out first than to have someone else do it for you and then for you to deny it. I get when sometimes you don’t see what you’re doing but that’s what we’re practicing right? So when someone does call you out, accept it as if its true and immediately see if its aligned with what you’re creating for yourself. DO NOT allow yourself to punish yourself or call yourself bad. That’s not the rabbit hole you want to go down. And for some of you, like me, y’all will want to label yourself as bad and feel ultra guilty. Not necessary. Don’t sabotage yourself. We’re striving for progress here.

There it is. Remember if this is important to you, you will make time for these practices. Try it out for at the very least a week. And if it doesn’t work for you then, hey, at least you know it doesn’t work. That’s better than not trying it out at all and living it in the “what if” box in your brain.

Hope this article helps you Sparkle by Choice!

Much, much love and ease,

Your friend, J
