Being Fearless Vs Having Courage

First of all, why would this be important to you? If we want to grow and reach new levels in some area that truly is important to us, then we must get out of our comfort zone. Agreed? Good. So I’d like to ask you something, which of the two (being fearless on one hand and then having courage on the other) do you feel is more empowering? I’d really like for you to guess. That way, this distinction might just stick with you for the rest of your life especially when it comes to decision making. 


Being fearless means having zero fear. But realistically, living with the minds that we’ve been operating with for so long, could we truly be fearless? Maybe in a single moment from time to time, but it ultimately always finds its way back to us. So this isn’t as reliable as we hoped. 


On the other hand, having courage means we have fears AND do the scary things anyway. The act of showing up is having courage. Having courage is hearing out our fears and doubts and then moving on with that thing that scares us. This is more empowering especially after the fact that we did the damn thing. 


So my biggest tip to someone that is nervous AF and is about to do something scary is,

  1. Knowing that you’re about to do something that you never done before is actually liberating because yous about to find out what that experience will be like for YOU.
  2. Don’t fight or argue with your fears or doubts, acknowledge them, hear them out, then say, “thank you for sharing your concerns but I am still going to go through with this.”
  3. Take a deep breath, count 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 and GO!