
3 Hacks That’ll Drop your Body Fat % Like That

One of my many goals for 2018 is to go from 20% body fat to 12%. It’s only been a little over a month and I am already halfway there!

Look at these progress pics!!

The best part is that I only applied 3 new rules that are quite surprisingly sustainable:

  1. Cut down 2 hours of eating
  2. Add Coconut Oil to my coffee/tea
  3. Add 3 Sessions of HIIT Cardio for the week

Let Me Explain These 3 New Rules to Shed Body Fat:

1) Cut Down 2 Hours of Eating:

This is slowly implementing Intermittent Fasting (IF). I know it’s a growing trend right now alongside the Keto diet, so that’s why I decided to try it for myself. IF is basically changing the time frame of your eating schedule. Nothing else. You’re not changing what you put in your body just when you do it. I wanted to keep this new rule sustainable because if it’s too tedious I won’t keep up with it. So a super helpful tip I found upon researching is to gradually cut off an hour from the beginning time of eating and an hour from the last meal every 3 days until I get down to about an 8 hour eating window. For example, on a typical day for me I would start my first meal right after my first client, which would be around 6:30am-7am and then my last meal would be after closing at the sushi restaurant job which is around 11pm. That would be a 16-hour window of eating and burning/using glucose for energy. IF’s concept is about kicking your body into a fat-burning gear but you can’t do that if you’re constantly having it burn glucose instead.

2) Adding Coconut Oil to your Coffee/Tea

With IF, there’s certain drinks that’ll keep you in a fasted state, like Apple Cider Vinegar, Coffee, or Tea all unsweetened. Drinking BCAAs or anything that’ll put glucose in your system will quickly turn off the fat-burning gear. But, adding a healthy fat like Coconut Oil doesn’t cause the fast to break.

Other benefits I noticed when adding coconut oil is:

  • The caffeine spike isn’t there! There’s no super high and then a significant crash later in the day. The energy stays leveled and consistent throughout the day! Which is super nice because I can’t afford to take extra naps than I already do. It’ll take away time from being with my daughter Sophia.
  • Going to the bathroom regularly, which is a huge problem for me before, TMI but I would only go every 4-5 daysss. That was not fun!!
  • Mental clarity!! I was able to focus more and not get easily distracted or bored. or maybe it’s just been a productive month.

Warning: when doing this start small and work your way up! Unless you want to be near your bathroom all day on the toilet. Trust me on this one. I’ve been there. Major detox! 😂

3) Adding 3 Sessions of HIIT Cardio for the week

This one is fun. On your non-training days, hop onto any cardio machine (treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster, row, bike) and complete an interval training for minimum of 10 minutes and maximum of 15 minutes. No more and no less! The key here is SPEED, not resistance. You want to push yourself to really really work like your heart is gonna beat out of your chest when it’s work time. and the time of rest really really rest, try to bring your heart rate down, nice deeep breaths. This will have you burning calories for the rest of the day even when you’re off the machine.

There you have it!! Please note that these “rules” are ones that I voluntarily choose to test on myself. I am not a doctor or registered dietitian so please consult your doctor before trying any of these things out.

Hey if you’re interested in working with me, I have this kick-ass online program that has a ton of great booty workouts and nutrition goods inside, for more info click here to check it out.

Until next time, keep sparkling!!

