8 Week Feeling Sexy AF Program

It all started with the CHOICE to be confident.

Are you looking to...

… glow from the inside out?

… reset your relationship with food?

… move confidently

not only in the gym but

everywhere you go?

… get stronger and tone up?

… get that SPARK again?

That twinkle in your eye missing?


If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, let me share with you my journey and what got me to own my sexiness from the inside out!


My name is Jaclyn “Sparkles” Nguyen.

Left side in both pictures
🔸extremely shy.
🔸miserable because I got good at hiding myself.
🔸low self-esteem and no confidence 
🔸sat in shame and FOMO all day, everyday.
🔸wasn’t motivated to exercise 
🔸ate everything in sight, huge binger/emotional eater
🔸completely lost in what I wanted to do with my life, I had $0 to my name, felt so broken inside and out.

Right side in both pictures
✨so incredibly comfortable in my skin.
✨ not afraid of my sensuality and being sexy.
✨so present and love being with people.
✨love everything life has to offer, never feel like I’m missing out at all.
✨I look forward to exercising because it empowers me, I’m strongest right now then I’ve ever been

All of that because I CHOOSE to believe in myself.

I started showing up to move my body everyday. It started with walks with my daughter Sophia in the stroller around the neighborhood, then yoga at home, then bought weights and bands to workout at home, then became a trainer, I have my own trainer and now I lift heavy and move fast😁

Holy cow, y’all. I am so in love with life now. 😍

I can’t believe I held myself back from this for so long!

Question now is, are you holding yourself back?

Are you letting yourself use your circumstances as an excuse to not BE ALIVE?!!😳

Results Speak For Themselves

This sexy mom is a total life saver! She has taught me how to prioritize myself mentally, physically and emotionally! She is the best trainer I could ever ask for and she cares about you! San Diego to Jersey I’m feeling her energy! One mom to another keep kicking butt and show the world if you can do it! Any woman can do it too! Love you Jaclyn!   

 — Renzi DelRosario

I’ve done my fair share of weight loss/strength programs/challenges and have seen amazing results, but nothing really sustainable or practical for everyday life. So when I heard of her lifestyle program that focused on physical, mindset, and overall well-being, I was in. Jaclyn is truly invested in being there for her clients. Even though this program is online, I felt supported and motivated by her every step of the way. Not only have I seen amazing physical results halfway through the 2 month program, but she really helped me increase my confidence, self love, and overall outlook on being comfortable and proud of being me. No other fitness program has helped me in owning who I am. I am truly thankful for her and her program. 
Jess Madamba
I was at first nervous to be spending a bit of money on something that I wasn’t quite sure would work. I’m so glad I took that chance because what I got out of it was priceless. I learned how to nourish my body, how to block out the negativity of my mind, and how to love myself.
Andie Cabero

Here's What You Get

You get a workout calendar to follow for 5 days a week for 8 weeks (home or gym). Don’t worry! You’ll have access to my amazon list of at-home equipment to set you up for success! We use weekly check-ins with body measurements and progress photos to measure your progress!

Weekly meal plans customized by your macros and a grocery list will be in the coaching app we’ll be using. All for you to find your favorite handful of new and yummy meals that you can recycle and reuse over and over again. This is a teaching moment to create a healthy lifestyle. I want to make this extremely mindless and easy for you as I can so you can adhere to it forever. Yeah?

Aside from private support and accountability via check-in videos coming from me, weekly mindset sessions will be sent to your inbox every week. This is where the real WORK occurs. This alone will be worth everything

This program is an investment in your overall well-being and you must be prepared to invest time and energy.  

Think of it as getting a tattoo. Settling for a cheap tattoo just won’t cut it. You want to invest in yourself and this tattoo because it will be with you for the rest of your life. Everything that you’ll learn from this program WILL STICK with you for the rest of your life. And may I remind you, this is a PROVEN transformational program… that is 8 weeks of hard work for a LIFETIME of sexiness and confidence.

What are we waiting for? Go apply now!!


I accept serious applications only. 

My time is valuable and so is yours so please apply ONLY if you’re 100% serious about working together to get results with your overall health and fitness. Not all applicants are guaranteed acceptance.