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Signs I’m Not In Alignment– What the Heck Does That Mean?

In short, not being in alignment means we aren’t following our heart.

We’ve logically said “No!” to it way too many times and now we’re dreading most things that we do everyday, not having any natural energy, and wanting to be lazy, all because our survival brain is afraid of change and… possibly we’re even afraid to play. 

Personally for me, I know I’m avoiding my heart/inner child…

When I stop replying to people
When I withdraw myself
When I want to stay home all day and stuff my face and numb out my thoughts with mindless TV shows

When I act like I don’t like people when I know I really, really do

If you’re anything like me, we think this is just a safe zone, as if we won’t ever get hurt here. But in reality, this comfort is a dangerous place to be in because we’re actually hurting our souls by not being open to playfulness and possibility.

Putting ourselves out there is risky, I get it. I get it, totally.

But when we’re trying to avoid our heart’s calling, we’re gonna have to bear some regret for not doing something based on fear. Let’s not live with regret, yeah?

Lucky for you, I got some things I try to get right back into alignment

Steps for Re-Alignment


The BEST place to practice Self-awareness actually starts with the body. The cheapest form of therapy. Try something different, workout with someone else. Have fun with it. Find a new goal that excites you.

Journal Your Heart Out

Take a solid uninterrupted hour to pour out your thoughts that keep running wild in your head. It’s a safe way to go through the emotions instead of avoiding it all together and then stuffing it down which will then manifest into resentment and THAT will be hard to deal with later.

So if you actually do this, I will warn you. You will want to distract yourself from having that mental dump. Your safety brain won’t let you go there because you might’ve been super good at hiding your emotions. Let it out! So, just knowing that and being able to call yourself out will give you a huge sense of freedom.

Make Time to Play

Creativity is so so so important to attend to. ALL of us are creative beings. It’s our expression!! Pick up some paper and markers and color.

Call a Friend

Reach out to someone who makes you feel nourished when you’re with them and HANG OUT, IN PERSON. Go somewhere that y’all both haven’t been to. If you can’t think of anyone, go to the grocery store, gym, or library and make a new friend! Spark a new conversation, see where you can be of service to them. I don’t know about you but I light up like a Christmas tree when I can make someone new laugh. Do that!


Never hurts to pray. Set the intention. Release it to the universe.


This stuff is a PRACTICE. Doing it once won’t fix all your problems you might have to keep going back to peel another layer of the onion, but trust that inner freedom is totally worth it. Nothing beats, owning and controlling your inner demons and then looking them in the eye and say, “Heck no! No more! I’m changing this shit, because ONE LIFE!”


Ok. I’m on fire now. Thanks guys!

I love you. You are doing phenomenal, this is just another moment of your story. Keep showing up because we all could use YOUR light! S. P. A. R. K. L. E. SPARKLE, SPARKLE, SPARKLE!

I’m gonna go bounce off walls now. Oou! Maybe go dance with Phi-phi! YAY!!! Have a beautiful day

