
No Headphones During Cardio Supports Mental Clarity

I take the time to do cardio with no headphones. Not every time. Just mostly when I need to which is normally when I’m feeling overwhelmed and just feel filled up in the thought box. I force myself to observe and watch my thoughts PASS (not circle around in my head) with non-judgment instead of clouding it with lyrics and beats. Then immediately after each thought process, I replace it and feed it with affirmations. Not just positive hippy dippy ones but powerful ones. And it’s different for each person. And they only work if you truly believe them! By the time my heart is beating out of my chest in my mind my own hype man at that point. Mentally this dramatically helps me anchor my day or even my week.

Self awareness just starts with observing and upon that, only then you can work to change and take on what you resist. You have to be completely honest with yourself. Why? The relationship you have with yourself is the most powerful! But just as all relationships, it’ll require some quality time to harness and generate love. It one of those things that is always gonna take work. You’re just not gonna work at it for a month, feel good and then let it go on it’s own. Nope. Sorry. Doesn’t work like that, unfortunately. But hey, it’s all worth it. That way you could share that love and be able to give others love with that same magnitude you give to yourself without expecting it from someone else. Ahhh… you see the power there? You’re not having to depend on another human being for loving you.

Share your mental process as you do cardio. Let’s empower each other to bring more self awareness and responsibility!

Reminder: You have the power over your day. Don’t let the social media feeds take over. You got this.
