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What Does Willpower Have To Do With Confidence?

Developing that willpower muscle can ultimately give you that trust in yourself which then makes confidence available for you to utilize. Let me break it down for you.

Willpower is developed in those moments where you complete what you started. Simplest thing, making your bed in the morning after you’ve slept in it or washing the dishes after you’ve eaten instead of just leaving it in the sink to do later. It is in those moments where you don’t set it aside for later, but you complete it full circle before going on to another task. In other words, it’s the integrity of your space and your word.

When you scheduled a certain time to workout and you find thoughts start to run through your head saying, “I’m too tired” or “I didn’t get enough sleep” or maybe life gets in the way, even if all those excuses are completely valid and everyone else would totally say “it’s ok, you’ll be fine, you can do it next time.”and let you off the hook, in practicing willpower you will still show up to work out (do what you said you were going to do) regardless of how you feel at that moment.

Now that we got that all straight, going back to the question, what does willpower have to do with confidence? Confidence is also a skill that we can improve and there’s many ways to practice that. But having willpower sets you up for knowing yourself as someone reliable. You can rely on yourself because you won’t let yourself down. Does that make sense? You won’t let yourself off the hook because an easier route showed up conveniently. You can trust yourself to complete something and that to me builds the skill of self confidence.

Yes, I said confidence is a skill. Reliability is a skill. Developing willpower is a skill. These are all characteristics that we aren’t just born with. That’s great because that would mean each new moment like right now is an opportunity to develop any skill you want. It’s just a matter of practicing it that will improve your experience of life.

Hope you enjoyed this article on willpower and confidence! If you did, make sure you sign up for my newsletter, I’m always creating new goods everyday with different modalities every week and you don’t want to miss out. You’ll find workouts or exercise breakdowns for the week, new podcasts that I’ve posted, top 3 articles that I find valuable and worth sharing with you, and many more goods. You know what they say, sharing is caring! And if you know me, you know that I’m all for you winning!

Catch ya next time,

