The Magic of the Abundance Mindset

You won’t believe me if I told you this but two weeks ago my life seemed to be crashing. I had a miscarriage which led me to not be able to show up for my clients and last week every account I had was insufficient! Everyday for two weeks I had to skip over the emails that said, “your account has insufficient funds.” Blah blah blah.. I was left with a broken heart and no zest of life. Then I had a conversation with one of my wise friends. She shared something she got from a fellow church member that went up to her and said something omg the lines of, God said for you to have faith. When she shared that with me I took it on as a message to me like God had purposely sent that to both of us. Have Faith and don’t quit. Then I slept on it and thought, “I didn’t work this hard to only work this hard. I’ve come a long long way and I do have something to offer” let’s keep this show going. So the first thing I do is restore integrity back into my life on the things o do have control over. Like cleaning up any bad juju that I’ve had with some people that I work on a daily basis with. Two, I started meditating again. I started waking up early! Moving my body. Reaching out to fb groups to send some love. I may not be an expert to help people with their problems but I do sure as hell know how to love on people and shine light onto themselves. That’s my super power. Lo and behold, guess who made $812 in just two days of having the abundance mindset?!?! I was $-200 two weeks ago. Now I attracted almost $1000 within a week. How do you ask? You give up all the pity party, low self esteem conversations in your head and just put yourself out there to help serve people who need more love than you do.