
How To Stop Judging Yourself

So I’ve noticed that when I’m taking on something new it’s incredibly easy for me to look at everyone around me and see what their doing. And then immediately feel overwhelmed. I mean there are benefits to learning from others, yes. But it’s another thing if you compare yourself and tag it to your self worth.

Let’s not do that anymore. Yeah? It doesn’t feel good, you’re kinda left feeling meh about life and I am not for you spending another second feeling that way! Nope! So here are some practices of non-judgment that has been working for me.

And again, I want to put the emphasis on “practice” these aren’t gonna be easy quick fixes. It’ll take practice. AND you CAN do it!

Steps to Practice Non-judgment

1. Just Notice.

Notice your thoughts. Bring Awareness to them. Watch how you think without thinking that it’s bad or good. Don’t mix morality into the picture. Just notice them as if they’re just clouds passing by. Clouds are just clouds right? You can appreciate it without making it wrong for existing. Same thing.

It’s in those moments of stillness that you get to be present to what’s actually going on. Notice with your senses as well. Notice your breath. Notice where your mind goes. But don’t follow it down the rabbit hole. Once it starts to feel gross let it go and on to the next thought. Rinse and repeat.

2. Embrace the Moment With Humility

Now what in the world does that mean?!? When you’re looking at others or even during mid conversation with someone else and you compare yourself in an unhealthy way, remember, NOBODY is you and the same goes the other way as well! You gotta just love everyone for where they’re at. Also, love yourself for where you’re at no matter if it’s “bad” or “wrong” or “good” or “right”. Trust in your path. Don’t judge it.

3. Have Integrity With Your State of Mind

Once you got a good grasp on those first two steps, now you have the foundation to stand in a world of empowerment. If you knew how powerful and incredible you are, you would not let yourself go down this rabbit hole and dwell in any blame or complaining no more than a whole day. Letting yourself dwell on non-serving thoughts and ideas just should not last more than an hour. Because that’ll just be a waste of time worrying about something that you choose not to change.

But if you do dwell or notice that you’re judging yourself, immediately practice forgiveness. I know I know, the moment I said that you might’ve wanted to run away, or just feel this big cloud of resentment or guilt. I know it’s not easy but you can do it. You must do it. Forgiveness gives you access to freedom, darling!!

Don’t just read this and not do anything. You would legit have just wasted your time then! You’ve read this long for answers and I just gave them to you. Let’s not-not try. Sometimes the only way to get empowered is by TAKING ACTION! Don’t overthink it. Just keep moving!

Set an alarm, 2-3 times a day in hours that you know that you could be alone with your thoughts for at least 5 minutes and commit to this practice!

Let me know if you need my support in holding you accountable to this. I’d be happy to, my friend!

Love on somebody today. Embrace your journey and sparkle by choice!

