Brittney came in knowing that she desperately needed some guidance in feeling like herself again and she got the importance of investing in herself. Having to stop several times during our mini session in our consultation she made a commitment to herself. Read on to see where that choice took her
From being not confident enough to try on a two piece to now 6 weeks after not only trying on a two piece but POSTING it on social as well.

What were your reservations before you started with me? 

I definitely had reservations because of the cost of the program and honestly any judgement I would get for spending so much money on the program from my family/friends because of the “you can just workout yourself” judgement

Where were you before you coached with me? What were your struggles?

I struggle with weight, self-confidence/motivation/responsibly, mental fog and depression. I spent years dedicating all my time and energy to everyone around me/school/work and multiple internships and just “busy work”. I put myself on the back burner. It became such a habit and I let it go on for so long that at the end- when I graduated, settled down with a great job, had time for myself again- I didn’t know who I really was anymore. A lot of my decision making I left up to my family for the final say, instead of trusting myself. And oh gosh, the weight I had put on, I always struggle with because I wanted it off SO BAD but never had the confidence or motivation to go to the gym anymore-I was always drained/groggy/depressed. My complete self image was low and I realized I needed to take control of my body, life, and mindset again because I missed me.

What was the breakthrough you had during our coaching? 

Realizing that this program is truly an investment in SELF– losing weight and gaining mental and physical strength. My mind is clearer, my confidence in myself came back, and I am always SO SO happy with the progress. When I realized that the payout I gained WAY exceeded any amount, money/cost was no longer an issue because I was investing into who I wanted to be and live my life as from that point on.

What were the actual specific results that you got?

Before I was so depressed and groggy, and now I’m more positive and have a lot more energy. The mindset homework is AMAZING. For people like me, who constantly have thoughts racing a mile a sec it helped sort out my thoughts and calm my mind down so I had more control over it. Any negative/unproductive thoughts/fear were replaced with rational realistic ones, because the hw gave me the tools to identify and combat. I free more confident and free because self responsibility and awareness is truly power! Before I would never go to the gym-I was self conscious and afraid of looking stupid, but now I spend almost everyday in the gym, for hours, full of confidence! I would have never sat in the benches by the guys lifting weights before, but now I literally will go right up and take a bench or ask to work in if it’s workout day for me lol-no f’s given. Before I would ALWAYS eat fast food and rarely cook, but now I can confidently cook clean meals thanks to the meal plans! I am always cooking now and rarely crave any of the unhealthy food I use to eat all the time. My relationship with self, fitness, and food has changed for the better!

Who would you recommend this for? 

Anyone who is looking for a real and progressive whole body change to truly love the way they look AND think. This program is amazing- I can’t stress it enough and I definitely recommend to everyone!

General Review 

I am so happy I found Jaclyn! I have been so happy with my progress (even by week 2 I was amazed) and every week I get more and more excited by the results! I can always see such differences in body. The mindset homework is AMAAAAZING, and lead to so many breakthroughs for me. They honestly made keeping up with the meal plan and workouts easier too! The programs are truly worth the investment, because each aspect of the program strengths you both physically and mentally! Honestly I got way more out of the program then I could ever have imagined! If you have any hesitation, DON’T! This is THE program 100% for you– you WILL love yourself for it!

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