Bedtime Journal Prompts that Will Have You Burst Out of Bed the Next Morning

Well that’s the longest blog title in the world. haha. But truly, answering these questions and making these lists right before bed will really have you be so excited for your day ahead. 

I recorded a Youtube Video on how I came about these questions so you can watch it there. Here’s where I want to share the actual questions themselves so you can visually see it for yourself as you’re trying this one. 

  1. What did I learn today?
  2. Bless and Rest
  3. Abundance Evidence
  4. Faith List
  5. Gratitude
  6. Bonus: Affirm & Prayer

You’ll see as you begin to write that the main topics will start to bleed together and don’t be afraid of repeating yourself. As easy as our brains like to repeat “woe is me” thoughts and complaints, we can really offer the same space to our positive thoughts with some repetition. We really are literally tapping into the subconscious mind with writing before bed. So better to allow yourself to prime that big brilliant brain.

Sweet!! Enjoy the video. If you end up trying these questions on, please let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear about it! 

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