Isn’t she absolutely stunning? Glowing from the inside out. 🙂
Photo Credit: Brose Photography

What were your reservations before you started with me? 

Going from a super fit, CrossFit/Olympic weight lifting raised girl to someone who struggled to even look in the mirror I had a bunch of reservations. I stopped wearing bikinis, I hated being naked in front of MY HUSBAND!! MY HUSBAND! I just wanted to hide every inch of myself all the time. I lost myself.

Where were you before you coached with me? What were your struggles? Paint the picture for us. 

Oh boy. I went from a super confident cheerleader “it” girl in high school to the complete opposite. I got married at 18. moved across the country. Where I knew nobody. Not even myself anymore. I gained so much weight. About 30 lbs in 6 months or so. I promised myself id be in the best shape of my life before I got pregnant. I lied. I was in the worse shape. There I was 8 weeks pregnant having a breakdown because of my size. I beat myself up every day. About everything. How could I let this happen? So young? Didn’t finish school. Don’t have anyone here in San Diego. I was depressed. Didn’t leave my bed. Until I came across your Instagram. I grew the confidence to message you and hoped you’d be willing to work with me.. a little scared because I was pregnant and some people are drawn back when training preggos. You got me out of my bed 3x a week. More energized than ever. The mindset sessions and homework’s helped me get over the hardest part of my pregnancy thus far. I no longer felt alone. I felt a new connection with myself, with my body, with my baby and now had not only a trainer but a true friend and confidant.

What was the breakthrough you had during our coaching? 

I had so many… I feel like I have a new breakthrough each week. Being pregnant definitely has its difficulties but the best breakthrough I’ve had is to embrace it while I can!! Enjoy every moment and that’s a huge thanks to you for helping me understand the beauty going on in and out of my body. You remind me that every extra stretch mark is worth it and that every uncomfortable night of sleep will all make sense. If I didn’t have you to relate to and open up about your story… idk how I would be this strong in my first pregnancy with where I am in life (age, school and career wise).

What are the actual specific results that you got?

Before I was so hard on myself. I hated myself. That was so hard. Now I can look in the mirror with confidence. I can take nude maternity pictures and love every inch of them. I can rub my belly (stretch marks and all) and be nothing but positive about it all. Before I was sad I couldn’t fit in my jeans now I can proudly wear my maternity jeans and LOVE THEM.

Who would you recommend this for? 

Anyone. Especially an expectant momma or recently postpartum… I think that’s when we are hardest on ourselves when really we deserve to be nothing but gracious and happy with ourselves and our bodies specifically.

General Review

 Jaclyn is an all in one trainer. You get it all. Workouts, meals, and mindset trainings. Being in such a low place in my life in the beginning of my pregnancy, I was scared to see how the rest of it would go. Thankfully I came across Jaclyn very early on and she’s changed every aspect of my life. My confidence has sky rocketed (while I was scared this pregnancy would do the opposite). The relationships in my life took a turn for the better and are all more positive and meaningful. My health habits (despite my crazy cravings) have become so much better. Having had Jaclyn by my side these past 5 months has been so special to me. Being able to have a trainer that’s more like family is truly a blessing. I don’t ever feel embarrassed or hesitant to do anything in our training plans because I know she wants nothing but the best for me and my baby. With Jaclyn as your trainer, you will have no choice but to SPARKLE. That’s just what she does. It’s really like magic. She’s the greatest ever.